Daily Announcements

February 21, 2025

Happy Birthday to:  Abigail Cegelis and Elijah Leyendecker

Highest Honors Seniors: check your school email for information regarding your video interview coming next week. All seniors, check your school email for the 2025 Mock Election Form. You have till Friday March 7th to cast your vote. 

Last night the Forensics team traveled to Big Rapids for the CSAA Forensics Conference Championships. The team did an outstanding job bringing back our 6th consecutive Forensics Conference Championship.  Earning All Conference Honors: Addison Korcal - Broadcasting. Amy Sytsma - Extemporaneous. Aaron Schnicke - Informative. Ava Robinson - Oratory. Abigail Cegelis, Alisah Faith, Kaiya Imhoff - Multiple Interpretation. Reagan Simons and Yael Jaramillo - Duo Interpretation. Dyana Valdes - Poetry.  Earning All Conference Honorable Mention Honors: Andreigh Trerice and Gavin Baas - Duo Interpretation. Emma Goldner - Prose. Brenna Mortensen - Storytelling

Attention Juniors:  The full length SAT Practice Test day will be Thursday, March 6th. KCTC and GRCC students will be excused on that day so that you can participate in the practice test. We will celebrate with a pizza party that afternoon!

Our winter blood drive will be taking place next Thursday, February 27th. All students age 16 and older can participate. There will be sign-ups at lunch starting tomorrow or you can email Mrs. T with your preferred time and she can sign you up as well. 

A reminder that Jostens will be here to deliver class rings during lunch on Tuesday, February 25th. If you owe a balance, please make sure that it is paid in full prior to delivery day. If you plan to make final payment on delivery day at school, only cash (correct change please) and money order can be accepted. Checks cannot be accepted for final payment at school. If you ordered a class ring, please make sure that you stop to see the representative to pick it up. Thank you.

The online application is open for the KCTC Criminal Justice program.  Applications and reference letters are due by March 7.  Check your email or see Mr. Wilson for details. 

Attention Seniors:  Local Scholarships are due March 1.  Check out all of the local scholarships that we have to offer on the school's website.    https://www.kentcityschools.org/highschool/studentservices/localscholarships/

Athletic Announcements

Attention softball players: There will be open gym Sunday in the HS gym from 5:30-7:30pm

Our Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball teams both have big conference games tonight vs. Morley Stanwood! The girls' game starts at 5:30 and the boys' game follows at Morley Stanwood High School. The teams would love and are hoping for a strong turnout of Kent City fans; please come cheer them on!!

College Corner

Please sign up in the office if you are interested in visiting with a representative.

February 26:  Grand Rapids Community College - 10:45 am
March 5:  Grand Valley State University - 10:45 am