What is PBIS?
School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to develop social skills and prevent problem behavior. A set of universal expectations for behavior are established for all students in all locations of the school. These expectations promote core values such as respect, responsibility, and safety. Interventions and strategies are implemented to teach and reinforce these expectations.
GREATness Starts Here!
Kent City Elementary School is in year two of implementing a building-wide Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative. The graphic below gives the general expectations for KCE students using our “GREAT” acronym.
Our behavior matrix provides a detailed look at the behavioral expectations represented by each letter in the "GREAT" acronym as they relate to the various areas of our building.
We encourage you to use and adjust the language and behavioral expectations at home to emphasize the idea that our students have the potential to demonstrate greatness in any setting!