Daily Announcements

March 25th, 2025

Hot lunch today is Burger bites, buttered biscuit, corn, orange smiles and dragon fruit juice. 

The following activities will meet right after the bell today….

Girls on the Run will meet your coaches in the gym

Congratulations to the following classrooms for meeting the 95% attendance goal last week…Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Laperna, Ms. Sabin, Miss Anderson, Mrs. Klein, Mrs. Stockhill, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Post, Miss Kinnan and Miss O’Connell classrooms. You will be entered in the attendance drawing on Friday. Keep up the great work. 

Looking ahead this Friday is an early release day at KCE. We will be dismissing from school at noon. 

Hot lunch today is Confetti mini pancakes, egg patty, fruit punch cup and hash brown rounds. 

We will be going to Term 2 exploratory classes today. 

Just a reminder that are library books are due back to Ms. Heiss. If you have books out please get them in as soon as possible. 

Today is 3rd-5th grade field day. Please remember your GREAT behavior so that everyone can have a fun day!