
Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year 

Thank you for choosing Kent City Community Schools! We look forward to educating your child.

New Student Registration - Kindergarten/ECSE/Y5 through 12th Grade

Age Requirement -  Children must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024. If your child turns 5 between September 2 and December 1, they may still be eligible to attend. 

To begin the enrollment process, please verify your Resident District  - This link will assist in verifying what school district you reside in.

  • If you reside within the Kent City Community Schools district, please continue on to Step 1.
  • If you do not reside within the KCCS district, please follow the steps below:
    • Complete the Non-Resident Application. Upon approval, you will receive an email regarding your next steps in enrollment.

Step 1: Complete the Pre-Registration Form 
Once your pre-registration form has been approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the registration process (usually within 24-48 hrs).

**Please only submit one pre-registration per student, as it could delay the process.

Step 2: Parent Portal
Set up your Parent Portal account according to the instructions you receive in your email.

Step 3: Complete Electronic Enrollment Forms
Complete the New Student Enrollment Packet via the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Step 4: Required Documentation
Upload your child's required documentation through your PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you're taking a picture, please make sure the document is flat, not on an angle, and crop out the background.

  • Official Birth Certificate (The Michigan Missing Children’s Act (MCL 380.1135) requires that you provide a copy of the child’s original birth certificate when you are enrolling in school. If you do not meet this requirement within 30 days, the school must notify local law enforcement.)
  • Immunization Record (up-to-date immunizations required)
  • Proof of Residency (Rental/Lease Agreement, Mortgage Statement, Utility Bill dated within the last 60 days, or Voter Registration Card)
  • Dental Screener / Spanish
    • Public Health Code Act 316 requires proof of a dental oral assessment that took place not earlier than 6 months prior to the first day of school for the first year in school.
  • Custody/Guardianship Documents (if applicable)
  • Withdrawal Papers (if transferring during the school year)
  • Current IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable)

Please note: your child will not be fully registered until all online enrollment forms have been completed and all required documents have been received. 

Step 5: Final Communication
Receive placement/start information from the building staff. 


Please click HERE for information on enrolling your preschool-age student in our Great Start Readiness Program.


Phone: (616) 678-7714

Email: enrollment@kentcityschools.org 

Location: Administration Office                                          200 N Clover St                                                                    Kent City, MI 49330

*Please email or call to schedule an appointment